Friday, March 29, 2019

10 healthy foods to eat when on a Ketogenic diet

Ketogenic diets have certainly become popular in recent times and studies have shown how beneficial this low-carb diet is. 
A ketogenic diet, limits carbs to 20–50 grams per day. While some may think this seems difficult, many nutritious foods can easily help you along your way.
Here are 10 healthy foods to eat, when on a ketogenic diet.

1. Sea Food
Fish, Shellfish and other Sea Food are great for anyone on a Ketogenic diet. 
Fish such as Salmon are not only rich in B Vitamins, Potassium and more but they are practically carb-free.  
Shrimp and most crabs contain no carbs though other types of shellfish do. You can always include these shellfish in your diet, just remember to account for these additional carbs. 

2. Cheese
Not only does it provide many nutritional benefits but it also tastes great. 
There are hundreds of types of cheese, so choosing the right one will depend on your palette. 
They are very low in carbs, yet high in fat, making them a perfect fit for a ketogenic diet.

3. Avocados
Avocados are excellent for a Ketogenic diet since they are incredibly healthy.  
They are high in many vitamins and minerals, including potassium. 
A higher potassium intake could help with the transmission to a Ketogenic diet easier.

4. Meat and Poultry
Meat and poultry are staple foods for most diets and that is especially true on a ketogenic diet.
Fresh meat and poultry contain no carbs and are rich in B vitamins, potassium and other minerals.
They're also a great source of protein, which can help preserve muscle mass during a very low-carb diet such as this one. 

5. Eggs
Though they may seem boring, Eggs are not only one of the healthiest foods around but it is also quite useful. 
To gain the most nutrients from the egg you must eat it entirely and most nutrients are found in the yolk. 
Although egg yolks are high in cholesterol, eating them doesn't raise blood cholesterol levels in most people.

6. Plain Greek Yogurt
Plain Greek yogurt is not only healthy, but it is also high in protein.
While it may contain some carbs, it can still be included in a ketogenic lifestyle.
The great thing is that it makes a nice snack on its own or combined with chopped nuts, berries ect. 

7. Olive Oil
Olive oil has great benefits to our heart and to decrease the risk of heart disease. 
As a pure fat source, olive oil contains no carbs. Making it a perfect base for salad dressings and more.

8. Seeds and Nuts
Seeds and Nuts are high-fat and low-carb foods.
They both are high in fiber, which can help you feel full and absorb fewer Calories overall. 
Though they are low in carbs, each type will vary. 

9. Berries
Most fruits are too high in carbs for a ketogenic diet, Though berries are an exception.
They are low in carbs and high in fiber, making them a perfect topping for your Plain Greek Yogurt. 

10. Butter and Cream
Butter and Cream are excellent fats to include on a ketogenic diet. They have small amounts of carbs per serving.
As with most things. A moderate amount can be beneficial. 

These are just a few of the selection of Healthy and Ketogenic Foods available to us. There are many more, what do you like to add to your Ketogenic diet?, let us know in the comments below.